All posts in: Colour Talk
10 things you need to know about the Pantone Studio app | Pitter Pattern

You might already know that I’m absolutely crazy about colour, and in my endless search for the perfect colour palette, I come across a multitude of resources, offline and online, good, not so good and plain bad…

One of my all time favourites is Pantone Studio, an iOS app for colour inspiration and management, created by Pantone, a provider of professional colour standards and digital solutions under a universal language.

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24 striking colour palettes for the daring (+ free download!) | Pitter Pattern

Hey guys, first of all, my apologies for disappearing for such a long time, life has a habit of getting in the way!

Today I have a little present for you as a way to say sorry for my absence. I’ve prepared 24 fabulous colour palettes that you can use in your own designs. But that’s not all, oh no that’s not all… I’ve also created a downloadable Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) file with all the palettes so you can get down to business and start using them right away!

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Pattern and colour in nature - Felix Salazar | Pitter Pattern

I found this amazing collection of photographs, Macro Reef Dwellers: A Retrospective, by Felix Salazar and had to share them with you. Colour and patterns in nature, you might agree, are a great source of inspiration.

I’ve also created a colour palette for each photograph which you are very welcome to use in your own designs if you like them.

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How do colours affect purchases? | Pitter Pattern

As a colour obsessed person, I’m always interested in learning more about the psychology of colours, the hows and the whys of its infinite uses. That’s why I would like to share this Kissmetrics infographic with you all – ‘How do colours affect purchases?’.

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