Building a brand - My journey to the 'Republic of Happy' | Pitter Pattern

Today I’m doing a different kind of post. I’m going to give you a little peek into a project I’ve been working on in the last few months and which I’m very excited about! If you’ve ever thought about launching your own brand/shop you might want to read on…

At the end of last year, after years of dreaming but not doing anything about it, I finally decided to launch my own online shop selling beautiful products printed with my designs, and ‘Republic of Happy was born.

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A personal video message and a cheery free printable | Pitter Pattern

Hello there, long time no see! I really hope this post finds you happy and healthy…

I took a little break from the blog while my brain, my body and my soul adapted somewhat to this new way of living. My mushy-fluffy brain seems to be on the mend now, so I thought I’d just pop in personally to check on you, tell you where I’m at and a few other (random but relevant) thoughts. I also have a little gift for you (a free printable and digital wallpapers), to cheer you up if you ever need it!

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Airtable for Creatives course [1] | Pitter Pattern

I just finished an awesome course, ‘Airtable for Creatives’ by designer Kristina Hultkrantz, and thought you might like to know about it. If you’re anything like me you’re gonna love it!

Airtable is a free spreadsheet-meets-database app, but please don’t let that description put you off. It’s a genius organisational tool that can help us bring order to our sometimes chaotic creative businesses and brains!

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20 beautiful calendar tea towels for 2020 | Pitter Pattern

Hey you, long time no see! How’s 2020 treating you? I’ve come with something that might make your year that little bit better, it’s calendar tea towel time! I had meant to post this early January but you know how it is…

So, I went through all the 2020 calendar tea towels available on Spoonflower and chose my favourite 20 to share with you. I think you’re gonna love them!

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