24 striking colour palettes for the daring (+ free download!) | Pitter Pattern

Hey guys, first of all, my apologies for disappearing for such a long time, life has a habit of getting in the way!

Today I have a little present for you as a way to say sorry for my absence. I’ve prepared 24 fabulous colour palettes that you can use in your own designs. But that’s not all, oh no that’s not all… I’ve also created a downloadable Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) file with all the palettes so you can get down to business and start using them right away!

I trawled through Pixabay, a free stock photo website, in search of some richly coloured images for inspiration. I found some gems and have created 24 5-colours palettes from each of them.

If you’ve read Pitter Pattern for a while and, perhaps, also seen my designs, you would have noticed that I’m all up for bold and rich colours. I’m definitely not a pastels kind of girl…

That’s why you won’t find any delicate, muted and subtle colour schemes here. These colour palettes are definitely not for the faint-hearted!

If you like them and want them, please scroll to the bottom of this post to find the link for the download.

Also, if you would like to learn how to recolour your artwork in Illustrator easily with your new colour palettes, you can check my ‘How to recolour patterns super easily in Illustrator’ video tutorial.

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [1] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by 3dman_eu at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [2] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by 3dman_eu at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [3] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by 2690457 at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [4] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Alexas_Fotos at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [5] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Alexas_Fotos at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [6] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by congerdesign at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [7] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [8] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [9] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [10] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [11] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [12] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [13] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Couleur at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [14] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Daria Yakovleva at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [15] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Freepht at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [16] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Hans at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [17] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Myriams-Fotos at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [18] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by Pavlofox at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [19] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by pixel2013 at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [20] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by ShonEjai at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [21] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by stux at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [22] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by tpsdave at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [23] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by tpsdave at pixabay.com

24 striking colour palettes for the daring [24] | Pitter Pattern
Photo by tpsdave at pixabay.com

You can get all these colour palettes in one single file by filling the little box below with your email. You will get an Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) file which you can import into Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.

If you need help with the import you can watch this very short but helpful video: ‘How to open ASE swatch files in Illustrator’.

If you don’t see the download box below please try turning off any ad blocker on your browser temporarily or try using another browser!


I am a designer, originally from Colombia and now living permanently in Cornwall, UK. I graduated in Product Design but since then have mostly worked in graphics for print and web. A few years ago I decided to specialise in Surface Pattern Design and I'm loving it!


  1. Enter

    Download button does not show up. Tried 3 different browsers and even on mobile.

    • Hi there, download box working on my side on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, iPad and iPhone… Did you try turning off any ad blockers on your browsers? Can’t think why it wouldn’t show up for you :-/

  2. Marieke Derks

    Thanks also for the link to Pixabe, very useful.

  3. Marieke Derks

    Super nice and inspiring, especially on a rainy Saturday! Thanks so much or creating and sharing this :)) Great start of the day.

  4. Veronica

    HI. This is great. Can this be available for Photoshop? I unfortunately do not have Illustrator.

    • I’m glad you liked them! I’ll see what I can do ;-)

    • Hi Veronica, guess what? You can import this ASE file into the Photoshop swatches panel just as easy as into Illustrator! Just choose ‘Load Swatches’ from your PS swatches panel fly-out menu and you’re ready to go. The only drawback is that they are not grouped in folders by palette like in Illustrator but at least they are in consecutive order, so every five is an individual palette, if you know what I mean. I hope this helps! Have fun :-)

  5. G Ward

    Thank you!

  6. Kaz

    Hi Veronica, I am like Chris, I cannot see a ‘download your colour palettes’ and an area to put an email address, I would love your colour palettes, so can you help?! Thanks Kaz :)

  7. I had a blocker on Firefox, downloaded just fine on Safari.

  8. Ooooh, yummy! And I don’t mean the food. Thank you so much. I’m not clear which ‘little box below” will obtain the download, but I want it! I want it! This is a joyous and lovely gift, thanks some more.

  9. carol a s derks

    Most excellent!

  10. Chris

    Sorry, I meant Firefox, not Firestorm. LOL.

  11. Chris

    Hi Michael – oddly enough, I was using Firestorm (without an ad blocker). I tried it in Chrome, and that was where I could see the download box. Go figure.

  12. Andy

    Thanks for this Veronica – really nice. And Chris, if you have an adblocker running it’s likely stopping you from seeing the box you need. I had to turn off uBlock Origin in my browser for it to appear. Hope this helps. :)

  13. I’ll bet Chris uses the Chrome browser, which eliminates the download box! Chris, try a different browser and all should be well.

  14. Chris

    Maybe it’s an intelligence test that I’m failing ;) but try as I might, I don’t see a box to enter my email address (other than to sign up for the newsletter) and I don’t see anything that says “Download the colour pallettes.” Help?

  15. This is a wonderful freebie! Thanks so much. Am I correct assuming you will take my email from this comment?

    • I’m glad you liked it Michael! You can get the download directly by entering your email address on the box at the end of the post that says ‘Download the colour palettes’… Let me know if you have any problems :-)

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