All posts in: Me, Myself & I
A personal video message and a cheery free printable | Pitter Pattern

Hello there, long time no see! I really hope this post finds you happy and healthy…

I took a little break from the blog while my brain, my body and my soul adapted somewhat to this new way of living. My mushy-fluffy brain seems to be on the mend now, so I thought I’d just pop in personally to check on you, tell you where I’m at and a few other (random but relevant) thoughts. I also have a little gift for you (a free printable and digital wallpapers), to cheer you up if you ever need it!

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The Fast-track to Awesome Geometric Mandala Designs in Adobe Illustrator - Skillshare class by Veronica Galbraith | Pitter pattern

I’ve been a busy bee the last few weeks, preparing something I’ve been wanting to do for a couple of years… Hence the blog neglection, and I apologise profusely, but on the positive side: here are the results…

My first Skillshare class has been released! ‘The Fast-track to Awesome Geometric Mandala Designs in Adobe Illustrator’ is a short and sweet online class perfect for all pattern and colour lovers.

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Veronica Galbraith's shower curtain featured in Icon Magazine [1] | Pitter Pattern

First of all happy 2016 to you all! I had to be away from the blog for a few weeks due to a very painful shoulder so I apologise to all my readers…

I would like to open the new year with some exciting news. One of my shower curtains from the ‘Vegetable Medley’ collection got featured in the fabulous design magazine ICON.

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Merry Christmas to all the Pitter Pattern readers!

Christmas is almost here and I just wanted to wish you all a very jolly festive season!

Hopefully you will be able to spend this lovely time surrounded by the people you love, eating lots of delicious food and dancing your legs off (if you’re anything like me!)

I’ll be missing my Colombian family (pictured above) and all their gatherings and celebrations, but I’ll be a busy bee hosting Christmas dinner for 14 members of the British side of the family. Maybe one day, not too far in the future, we’ll be able to have a tropical Christmas.

Oh, and also remember to do something nice for somebody that needs it… It is, after all, a time of giving.